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  • Writer's pictureAda Wood

The Signal: Editorial: Why racism never died, racism still kills — and how to change that

June 5, 2020

In an effort supported by nearly 20 staff members at The Signal and signed by 10 other student organizations or Student Government Association offices, this editorial was the result of a Black-led discussion on police brutality and systemic racism.

"The ignorance that keeps a statue like Grady’s standing is the same ignorance that helps keep systemic oppression alive and well because these names are only those of a few subject to it. No one can pretend that these incidents are isolated anymore and say they don’t see how they are all connected by the same thread. The thread that was once a rope tied around the necks of Black people has now morphed into the knee pressed on George Floyd’s neck.

The fact that this deep-rooted racism is allowed to exist at all in America is the reason why racism never died; racism still kills."

Read the editorial here.

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